Project - Work Package 2
Preparing joint data analysis and sharing existing data
Lars Ove Dragsted (Denmark)
It is the objective of WP2 to facilitate data sharing in nutritional research across Europe and to guide researchers on the practical steps
in preparing data for entry into a format that allows sharing through ENPADASI and with other relevant partners (e.g. JPI DEDIPAC and
EuroDISH). The vision is that any researcher can bring their own data to sufficient quality for sharing and that researchers can clearly
see the improved scientific possibilities and their own benefit from sharing data with others through ENPADASI. This vision includes
experimental (mechanistic and intervention) as well as observational studies (epidemiological). The challenges are 1) to describe the
prerequisites to which a potentially shared study should adhere for all major study types, 2) to show that the system gives new scientific
possibilities for those who share, and 3) to provide facile tools and descriptions on how to share your data. The technical, legal, ethical,
and governance requirements for data entry will be the main objectives of WP3, WP5 and WP1 (task2) while the integration of this work
will be orchestrated within WP4 and training in WP6.
The work in WP 2 is divided into five different Tasks (Ts):
- T2.1: Collection of data sets for integration
- T2.2: Minimal requirements for study data
- T2.3: Validation of study quality
- T2.4: Case studies for existing data
- T2.5: Guidelines for data sharing